Thursday, February 02, 2006

Of offensive cartoons

For the first time in my life, I applaud the Hizb at-Tahrir rep on Newsnight tonight. He was eloquent, and his points were direct and truthful. But who the heck is that Munira what-ever-her-surname-was? Rubbish. As for the editor who insists on printing offensive pictures under the pretext of freedom of speech, I wonder what they would say if someone prints a picture of a dog shagging his mother (wait until his mother is dead to avoid libel action), also under the pretext of freedom of speech? Apologies for my outburst. But freedom brings with it responsibilities. These blatant abuse of freedom by some idiotic editors will only make it more difficult for the concept of individual liberty to be accepted in the Muslim world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You shouldn't print a picture og a dog shagging his mother.

But you should do a picture of his dad shagging a dog with a face like the editor's mother.

Then that is satirising the fact that the editor is a SOB.

All under the pretext of freedom of speech, of course.

2/03/2006 11:42:00 pm  

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