Want to get a headache?
To those readers who, like me, believe that PAS is the one and only harakah Islamiyah in Malaysia, I want to challenge your brain a bit.
Fikrah is of utmost importance to us. I suppose this is not just for the pro-PAS student groups. The likelihood is, all groups take the issue of fikrah seriously. After all, fikrah defines the group.
I first got involved with PAS because I believe it is the only party that can improve Malaysia. That understanding slowly evolves into the belief that PAS is the one and only harakah Islamiyah in Malaysia. There are certain criteria that need to be fulfilled if you want to call yourself a harakah Islamiyah. No other group but PAS fulfils all.
Other groups are jamaah Islamiyah, but not harakah Islamiyah. So, since being in a harakah Islamiyah is a religious obligation, in the Malaysian context, being a member of PAS is also an obligation.
That is the belief that I still subscribe.
That does not mean I deny the importance of ABIM and JIM. Each of these two has their own important role. I just do not see them as a harakah Islamiyah.
But I do wonder if the belief I hold is also the belief held by PAS’ own leadership.
For something to be the fikrah of the jamaah, surely the leaders must also subscribe to it. If an issue is still under debate, then what right do we have to say that one opinion is right and the other is wrong? Until the central committee makes a stance, surely the issue is open for discussion.
And if the issue is not even discussed at the highest level, under whose authority is it that we make such claim?
If my belief is put to all of the PAS central committee members, and the committee members of the Wings in PAS, will they agree with me that PAS is the one and only harakah Islamiyah in Malaysia?
On PAS’ website, there are 35 people listed as AJK PAS Pusat. Surely if you want to see the purest form of fikrah, it will be at the highest level.
Will people like Tuan Guru Hj Abdul Hadi, Hj Husam Musa, Dr Hassan Ali, Dato’ Kamarudin Jaffar, Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli, Dr Lo’lo Ghazali, Ustaz Mujahid Yusof Rawa, Ir Amiruddin Hamzah, Dr Rosli Yaakop and Dr Zulkifli Ahmad agree that that is the fikrah of PAS?
Or will they just say that my fikrah is so stuck in the 1980s?
Of course some will say that the texts above are signs of confusion. My question to these people is, who is confused?
Or the PAS leaders?
Or you?
I was in UMNO before I made the slow and painful transition to Pas. I hold the same beliefs as you that Pas is the only party in Malaysia that has the capability to improve our lives, regardless of race and creed.
Wehdatul Fikr can only be achieved if everybody undertasnds the basic or Abjadiyat of the movement..
People said being a jamaah centric is the thing of the past.. Now, we should be ummah centric..
Jiwa Rasa: Agreed.
menj: you were an ex-umno? wah!
Yeah, I was ex-UMNO, although now that I look back I am certainly not proud of it. My jahiliyyah era of ignorance and stupidity.
Glad that I am on the correct path now.
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