Thursday, September 08, 2005

Social democrats

1. It is difficult to write about the actual content of discussions I had with the three academics I hosted. The issues we talked about were varied and wide-ranging. What I would do instead is to write in the usual way, while appreciating that I have benefited greatly by their presence. 2. When the name DAP is mentioned, one is almost always led to think of a chauvinistic Chinese party that has less regard for people of other backgrounds. This shows how effective BN is in creating "faces" for their enemies. If one finds Labour acceptable, why is it so difficult to see DAP in the same light? Both are social democrats. Both are secularists. They may differ in the details but their political struggle are based on the same principles. Are there reasons other than preconceived ideas, and perhaps our own misconception?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9/08/2005 07:57:00 pm  

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