Desperately Seeking Paradise
Title: Desperately Seeking Paradise: journeys of a sceptical Muslim
Author: Ziauddin Sardar
Publisher: Granta Books, London
Year: 2005
Pages: 354
This excellent book was written by a man with many critics. Those who do not yet know why Sardar attracts criticism will soon find out, as the book provides a glimpse of how he envisions his “Muslim society”.
Beginning with his early life in Britain, Sardar goes on to tell what made him what he is – a Muslim who is willing and able to question his own beliefs, not for the sake of questioning per se, but in the hope of coming out with better answers. It tells a story of a man going through journeys, and how each journey is not just physical or geographical, but also a journey of mind and soul.
Not every Muslim will be happy to read Sardar. I too had some difficult times accepting some of what he wrote. His scepticism about the suitability of syari’ah in present time will make some people squirm. Others will be upset to hear him say the Prophet would have shaven his beard if razor blades were available to him. But to do so is to lose sight of the bigger picture. A picture about how the journey to paradise is full of ups and downs, may at times be distressing, and not simply be black-or-white. I may not agree with everything he says, but the book is certainly thought-provoking and not at all “preachy”, which makes it an excellent read.
Sardar has somewhat successfully outlined his vision in this book. But I believe his vision will meet many obstacles before becoming reality, if at all. And that is me talking as a Muslim reader.
Am glad you enjoyed it. FYI he's coming to speak at Civitas in April.
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