If only we try thinking differently
I saw Patch Adams (Robin Williams) on BBC last week.
It moved me to do a bit of internet searching about Gesundheit Hopsital project, which is run by the real Patch Adams.
Both the film and the project are very interesting. They both highlight the need for us to try thinking differently, and the importance of recognizing that not everything has to be done in the so called "traditional way".
The status quo is not sacred. The status quo is not necessarily the best way forward. And those who question the status quo should not automatically be rejected.
(I am not saying all medics should do things the Patch Adam way. Just that a different way sometimes works too.)
Patch Adam created another avenue using the same agreed and acceptable principle of medicine and social values. What is wrong if people disregard the principle(s) and try to create a totally unacceptable way.
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